Walking Longer 2024-2025


Andrew Campbell


 Contact:  Check Newsletter.
 Time:       09.45 for 10.00am.
 Meeting:  2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the Month.
 Venue:     To be Notified.

• Fresh air and exercise in the countryside
• Walking distance about 6-7 miles on track and field paths
• Stout shoes or boots needed
• Friendly group of people

We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The walks are around 6 miles in length followed by an optional pub lunch. We are a sociable group and new members are always welcome. Recentwalks can be seen in our list below also if you have a favourite walk please feel free to contact the Group Convenor and arrange with him when you are able to lead it. The group will continue in a similar vein with our new convenor / sub-committee as John and Joyce are stepping down.
Andrew Campbell

PLEASE NOTE: Locations shown are the nearest Parking to the Location required.

/// What3Words

What3words divides the world into a grid of 57 trillion 3-by-3-metre (10 ft × 10 ft) squares, each of which has a three-word address.

To Get directions, Copy the three words. Click on Image to go What3Words website. Paste words into search and click Enter, when location is shown click 'Navigate' Choose Google maps ensure YOUR correct location is shown, choose type of transport and click directions.

Click on image To find the '///WHAT3WORDS' location.
Please write/paste them into the search box on left of screen.

11th Sept 2024  T.B.C.
25th Sept 2024  T.B.C.
09th Oct 2024  T.B.C.
23rd Oct 2024 Bethell’s Bridge
TA 078 510
YO25 9ET
Leaders: Keith Taylor / Sandra Maxwell.
Meet at 09:30am at Dacre Arms to book meals and Share cars to walk start. (If 12 or more walkers, meals must be booked Sunday before walk.) Please email Keith if you are walking. Approx 5 mile walk mainly flat walking along streams, drains and River Hull.
From Dacre Arms (Lunch Location) to Walk start, turn left out of carpark (Charter's Lane) turn first right (Little Burton) then turn left onto Mill Lane stay (Childs play area now on right) on Mill Lane for 3.75 miles go over bridge and carpark on the left.
13th Nov 2024  T.B.C.
27nd Nov 2024  T.B.C.
11th Dec 2024  T.B.C.
25th Dec 2024 No Walk!



10th Jan 2025  T.B.C.

¦ Walks 2019. ¦ Walks 2021 ¦ Walks 2022 ¦
¦ Walks 2023 ¦