Learning Assistance
This section of our Website will contain ideas and resources on learning - it will include information on learning initiatives both from Swanland and the national u3a together with other sources such as East Riding Council and Hull University. If any member has material to be included e.g. articles, suggestions for visits then please contact Paul Chambers our Learning Co-ordinator.
1. u3a 'You Tube' Channel
One of my first jobs as Learning Co-ordinator was to view the u3a You Tube Channel
It has about over 4,500 subscribers to the You Tube national u3a channel.
One of the main outputs is the monthly radio podcast which was was set up in January 2020 and has covered a wide range of topics from information about u3a to cooking, recipes, ageing, healthy living usually under a banner of "do something brilliant." There have now been 30 podcasts. Generally they seem to be quite professional and get between from about 50 to 1500 views. However, I do feel that when you consider the membership of u3a this is a disappointing number but possibly reflects the memberships nervousness regarding the use of technology.

2. East Riding Council Adult Education.
Please visit this web page to see what is on offer -
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