Philosophy Group


Pauline Dennison


 Contact:    In Members Area & Newsletter
 Time:          2.00 - 4.00pm.
 Meetings:   4th Monday of the Month.
 Venue:        Contact Convenor

We examine many of the important issues facing humanity such as Learning and Artificial Intelligence by considering various philosophical ideas. We may not discover definitive answers but enjoy seeing how both contemporary and older ideas either underpin or relate to these topics. We each take responsibility for a topic by collating and circulating resources to other members and then leading the discussion based around key questions. Group members have a variety of books and magazines on Philosophy that are available for loan; on line resources are also used as well as the material available from the u3a National Advisor for Philosophy.

Date Day Contact Venue
 January - May  4th Monday
2.00am to 4.00.00pm.
In Members Area.
 Group closed to new members until further notice.