Read it Aloud

Contact: Telephone No on Newsletter.
Time: 2.00pm.
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday Monthly.
Venue: Members’ Homes.
• Read our chosen prose or verse
• Select new topics for reading
• Tea, coffee and chat
. At each meeting we choose a topic for the following month.
Members then search for suitable and interesting prose or poems to fit the subject. We usually read two items each.
This is a sociable and friendly group, with much laughter and chat about the items chosen. There is room for one or two new members. You do not have to be a star reader to enjoy the company!
Sadly Peter Bingham has stood down as leader due to ill health, the committee thank him for all the work he has put into this group and Swanland u3a.
We need a new Convenor to keep this group going, If you are interested please contact a Committee member.
Date | Day | Contact | Venue |
April - September | Wednesday 2.00pm | Phone No on Newsletter. | Contact Convenor |