

Edith Johnson


 Contact:    Telephone No on Newsletter.
 Time:         2.00 - 4.00pm.
 Meetings:  3rd Tuesday of the Month.
 Venue:       Members' Homes.

• Usually 2 games played at each session
• Tea and biscuits provided.
We currently have eight regular players who play two games at a social level. Between the games time is made for a cup of tea and biscuits and a friendly chat or discussion of the game just played. Anyone interested in joining the group please phone me for further details on 632456.

Date Day / Time Contact Venue
17th January  Tuesday afternoon 2.00pm Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor.
21st February  Tuesday afternoon 2.00pm Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor.
21st March  Tuesday afternoon 2.00pm Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor.
18th April  Tuesday afternoon 2.00pm Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor.
16th May  Tuesday afternoon 2.00pm Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor.