Literature 1


Linda Ricketts


 Contact:    Telephone No on Newsletter.
 Time:         2.00 - 4.00pm.
 Meetings:  1st Friday of month
 Venue:        Members' Homes.

• including tea break
• Members suggestions form a book list
• One book discussed each month

We meet on the first Friday of every month at 2.00 at members homes. This limits our numbers, somewhat!
We do have a small waiting list but are quite happy with our numbers so far. We choose the books to read throughout the year at a meeting in the summer. Members submit their recommendations which are then voted on.

We enjoy our lively discussions, which are usually followed by a cup of tea, biscuits and a chat. Linda Ricketts

Date Day/Time Contact Venue
 02nd December  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.
 05th January  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.
 03th February  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.
 01st March  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.
 05th April  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.
 03rd May  Friday afternoon 2.00pm  Phone No on Newsletter  Contact Convenor.